Overview of ExonMiner
Sample Data
Affymetrix Inc. provides demo data of GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST Array. You can download the data from Affymetrix web site (registration is required).
Yoshida et al. (2007) analyzed colon cancer exon array data provided above web site by using ExonMiner. You can see this analysis here.
Guide to ExonMiner
This is a flowchart of ExonMiner.
In this web page, we explain how to use ExonMiner according to this flow chart.
1. Create your account
2. Upload your data via FTP
For the upload of your data, you need to transfer the data via FTP. The details of the instraction are explained here.
3. Go to your personal web page
After your account is activated, you can login to your personal page. From the personal page, you can analyze your data.
4. Set the analysis options
You can set the analysis options in two-way ANOVA. The explanation of each option is shown here. All options must be specified.
5. Start the analysis
After setting all options, you can start the analysis. When the analysis of your data is completed, an announce e-mail will be sent to you.
Note that you can see the exon expression profiles of transcripts that you are interested in by the next visualization tools, even if the analysis doesn't be finished.
6. View the results
7. You can re-analyze with different option set over again and again
You can repeat analysis by using different option values. Also, you can upload new datasets and analyze them by ExonMiner repeatedly.